Hello buddy, this is V, the one and only caretaker who will be your companion here.
VVV is an English Based open agency that provides you warmth and cool playmate. Together, we try to build a positive environment by embracing diversity and encouraging each other.
We don't accept bad vibes here, all we need is just a pinch of good vibes and let's go vibing.

For the rules, we have ordinary rules like the other agencies that we bet you guys already aware of it.

• We accept all star and General RP only.
• one person one account, and we only accept one face one person in another word, no twin.
• we want to keep the residents vibing each other, thus the limitations for your followers is not over than 400 following.
• since we run an English based agency, we expect you to use mostly English as your daily language. we can't see what kind of chaos thing that will happen here but please make sure to use at least 70% English in your account.
• we allow you to join 2 agencies including us.
• please keep our timeline PG15.
• love wins.
• general roleplayer only, and please make sure your username is clear enough to people recognizing your face claim.
• do not use your self-made name as your DN.
• the new account is free to join, but please make sure to liven up your account first until you reach at least 200 tweets.
• please refrain yourself from spamming too much, like mass retweeting your update or just intentionally retweeting from the meme account.
• changing your username is allowed once in 2 weeks, and we allow you to change your face claim at least once per month.

Absence provision:
• the allowance of hiatus is no longer than 1 week, if you need to expand your hiatus, you have to make your account alive at least 6 hours before you ask for the permission to expand your hiatus.
• ask only through DM.

The reason why you got kicked out:
• caused a drama that will leave a bad mark to @VeniVidiVibing
• no activity for 2 days without permission.
• you just a bad person who likes to break the rules.

Before you proceed to the further step, please make sure you already read all the rules and have no disagreement with that.

How to sign up:
• You have to follow the main base first and set your DM is open for public and the most important, don't private your account.
• Ask about the desired spot through DM or Mention, but if you come on the first grand opening day then you may skip this step.
• If your desired spot is available, send the format through DM only:
(Short introduction which included your DOB, occupation, and some important information that need to be attached + brief reason why you decided to join here beside need a home to stay + your 3:4 close up B&W photoshoot, HD only)
• After the submission, the admin will observe your account first to deciding whether you are qualified enough to be a part of us, or not. If you have not heard a notify from us after 24 hours, you should assume that you have not been selected to the next stage.
• Put 𝐕𝐕𝐕 somewhere on your account once you got accepted to be a part of our family!